HC Deb 12 May 1924 vol 173 cc931-3W

Great Britain.

Boot and floor polish, 11th July, 1921.

Boot and shoe repairing, 5th July, 1919.

Brush and broom, 17th July, 1919.

Button making, 13th February, 1920.

Chain, 3rd January, 1910.

Coffin furniture and cerement making, 16th December, 1919.

Corset, 17th July, 1919.

Cotton waste reclamation, 16th September, 1920.

Flax and hemp, 27th January, 1920.

Fur, 25th October, 1919.

General waste materials reclamation, 27th August, 1920.

Hair, bass and fibre, 20th February, 1920.

Hollow-ware, 4th August, 1914.

Jute, 8th December, 1919.

Lace finishing, 7th September, 1910.

Laundry, 1st May, 1919.

Linen and cotton handkerchief and household goods and linen piece goods, 28th May, 1920.

Made-up textiles, 24th November, 1920.

Ostrich and fancy feather and artificial flower, 3rd February, 1921.

Paper bag, 14th July, 1919.

Paper box, 29th July, 1910.

Perambulator and invalid carriage, 20th January, 1920.

Pin, hook and eye and snap fastener, 17th February, 1920.

Ready-made and wholesale bespoke tailoring, 17th February, 1920.

Retail bespoke tailoring, 12th December, 1919.

Rope, twine and net, 3rd December, 1919.

Sack and bag, 2nd November, 1921.

Shirtmaking, 6th February, 1914.

Stamped or pressed metalwares, 13th February, 1920.

Sugar, confectionery and food preserving, 6th February, 1914.

Tin box, 30th July, 1914.

Tobacco, 23rd April, 1919.

Toy, 19th August, 1920.

Wholesale mantle and costume, 13th December, 1919.

England and Wales.

Aerated waters, 2nd January, 1920.

Dressmaking and women's light clothing, 15th January, 1920.

Grocery and provisions, 23rd June, 1920.

Hat, cap and millinery, 12th January, 1920.

Milk distributive, 27th February, 1920.


Aerated waters, 8th January, 1920.

Dressmaking and women's light clothing, 29th March, 1920.

Grocery and provisions, 1st November, 1920.

Hat, cap and millinery, 31st March, 1920.

Milk distributive, 17th August, 1920.

Apart from trade boards, a central wages board and national wages boards for the railways have been established in accordance with the provisions of the Railways Act of 1921.

As regards agriculture, the position is that an agricultural wages board with district committees was set up under Part II of the Corn Production Act, 1917, and Statutory Regulations made under that Act dated 8th November, 1917. The wages board operated from 3rd December, 1917, to the 30th September, 1921, when it automatically ceased on the repeal of the Corn Production Act. Since the abolition of the wages board, wages in agriculture have been regulated by voluntary conciliation committees constituted under Section 4 of the Corn Production Acts (Repeal) Act, 1921. These committees are still in existence, although many of them are not actively functioning.

As regards the mining industry, a national board and 13 district boards were set up under the terms of the national agreement in the coal mining industry on the 28th June, 1921. These boards were terminated on the 17th April, 1924, but negotiations for continuing them are expected to be resumed this week. Minimum wage boards were set up under the provisions of the Coal Mines Minimum Wage Act, 1912. This Act was passed on the 29th March, 1912, and boards were set up in 22 districts soon after the passing of the Act. These boards are still in existence.