HC Deb 19 June 1924 vol 174 cc2334-6W

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Overseas Trade Department whether he can inform the House of the terms of the concession granted to Wembley Amusements, Limited, in connection with the amusements park at the British Empire Exhibition; by whom such concession was granted; who are the directors of Wembley Amusements, Limited; and what is the amount of its subscribed capital?


I have been asked to reply. The Department of Overseas Trade doubt whether any useful purpose would be served if the terms of the concession held by Wembley Amusements, Limited, in connection with the amusements park at the British Empire Exhibition were made public. The concession was granted by the exhibition authorities. The directors of Wembley Amusements, Limited, are:

  • Sir R. M. McAlpine, K.B.E.
  • W. H. McAlpine.
  • F. E. M. Bussey.
  • Warwick Brooks.
  • George Wilson.
The Department has no information with regard to the last part of the question.


asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Overseas Trade Department whether he is aware that, on Whit-Monday, 9th June, the majority of the side-shows and small games in the amusements park of the British Empire Exhibition were closed to the public; and if he will state the reasons therefor?


I have been asked to reply. The Department of Overseas Trade have been informed by the Exhibition authorities, with whom they have been in communication on this question, that a certain number of side-shows in the amusements park at the British Empire Exhibition were closed to the public on Whit-Monday, the 9th June. They understand that this was due to a dispute between the amusement concessionaires and certain of their sub-con tractors over a matter in which the Exhibition authorities had no jurisdiction, although they did their utmost to adjust the difficulty. The difficulty has since been settled.


asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Overseas Trade Department whether he is aware of the dissatisfaction which exists among the showmen of this country at the monopoly rights possessed by Wembley Amuse- ments, Limited, in connection with the amusements park at the British Empire Exhibition; and, in view of the public moneys guaranteed to the British Empire Exhibition, what steps he proposes to take to ensure that these monopoly rights are not exercised against the interests of the public?


I have been asked to reply. The Department of Overseas Trade are not aware of any dissatisfaction existing amongst showmen in connection with the concession granted to Wembley Amusements, Limited, at the British Empire Exhibition, and my hon. Friend the Parliamentary Secretary has had no inquiries before him which would make it necessary for him to take any action in the matter.


asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Overseas Trade Department whether he can inform the House of the price per foot frontage charged by Wembley Amusements, Limited, to licensee's in connection with space allotments in the amusements park of the British Empire Exhibition?


I have been asked to reply. The Department of Overseas Trade have no information regarding the charges made by Wembley Amusements, Limited, for spaces allotted by them to sub-concessionnaires in the amusements park at the British Empire Exhibition.