HC Deb 21 February 1924 vol 169 cc2001-2W

asked the Minister of Pensions whether he is aware that George Howe, late Scots Guards (Ministry case No. 3/M2722), whose appeal was refused by the appeal tribunal (P.A.T. case No. 177821), was deprived of pension by the tribunal; whether he is aware that this man served from 1914 to 1919, and previously in the South African War; and if he can do anything further in the matter?


I have looked into the facts of this case. The, decision of the Ministry was taken after careful medical examination of the man and was subsequently confirmed by the independent Appeal Tribunal, by whom, also, the man was medically examined. In a case where aggravation of a pre-enlistment disability is certified to have passed away and this decision is confirmed on appeal by the Appeal Tribunal, I have no authority to continue payment of pension or allowance under the Warrant. I am not aware of any circumstances in the present case which would show that this decision was not correct.


asked the Minister of Pensions whether he is aware that H. Groves, No. 33,388, Wiltshire Regiment, was prevented by his disability, malaria, from lodging an appeal within the statutory time limit; and whether, in this and similar cases, some variation of the time limit can be allowed?


I have looked into the facts of this case and I find that the man made an application to the Ministry within the time limit, which can be regarded as application to appeal to the tribunal. I have, therefore, arranged that he shall be supplied with the correct forms of appeal and the case forwarded to the tribunal for hearing at an early date.


asked the Minister of Pensions if it is his intention to introduce legislation this Session whereby an ex-service man's disabilities shall be accepted as due to war service unless the Ministry is able to prove the contrary?


I hope to achieve the essential object—which is justice to all parties—by improvements where required on the lines of present administration.


asked the Minister of Pensions whether he is aware that J. Willis, of 102, Hermitage Road, Finsbury Park, whose degree of disablement has been assessed by a medical board as nil, is totally unable to walk and compelled to wheel himself about in an invalid chair; and whether he will arrange for Willis to be immediately re-examined?


I am looking into this case personally and will communicate with my hon. Friend as soon as possible.