HC Deb 21 February 1924 vol 169 cc2028-9W

asked the Under-Secretary of State for the Home Department whether, seeing that hashish is not included in the list of dangerous drugs which are under restriction of importation into this country, he has any information of the use of this drug in certain seaport towns; and whether he proposes to take any steps to acid this drug to the list of dangerous drugs and under the same restrictions as apply to them?


I have no information to show that indulgence in the use of hashish is anything but rare in this country, though it is possible it is practised to a certain extent among Oriental seamen visiting our ports. Hashish is not one or the drugs to which the International Opium Convention of 1912 applies, though the Hague Conference recommended that its use should be investigated. Any proposal for the extension to hashish of the restrictions relating to the drugs included in the Convention would have to be considered from the international standpoint, and i understand that the League Nations which by the Treaties of Peace is entrusted with the general supervision over the traffic in dangerous drugs, has not yet considered the question. The question is one in which other countries are more closely concerned than this country, bit the position is being watched by my Department and, if it appears desirable, steps will be taken to raise the question before the Opium Advisory Committee of the League.