HC Deb 19 February 1924 vol 169 c1552W

asked the Secretary for Scotland whether he is aware that the ring fences round the common grazing at Borgie, Sutherland, is out of repair; that the Board of Agriculture started to repair it about two years ago and then left off when it was half finished; that the fence is now lying flat; that the barbed wire is trailing among the heather, constituting a danger to the stock; that one horse was so seriously damaged last autumn that it died; and when it is proposed to complete the repair of this fence?


I understand that the matter referred to in the latter part of the question may become the subject of a legal action against the Board. In these circumstances, while I cannot accept the detailed description of the fences given in the question addressed to me by the hon. and gallant Member, I must defer a reply until the action is disposed of. The Board has the matter under observation.

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