HC Deb 10 May 1923 vol 163 c2608W

asked the Minister of Health if he is aware that the regional survey of houses for the city of York showed a total need of 1,250 houses; how many were provided for under schemes submitted by the York City Council to the Ministry; how many were approved by the Ministry; and how many have been completed?


The survey made by the city council at the end of 1919 showed an estimated need of 300 houses to relieve overcrowding, 400 to replace unfit and unsatisfactory houses, and 550 to rehouse persons displaced by clearance of unhealthy areas. The scheme proposed was for 950 houses. The city council have been authorised to build 228 houses under the State-assisted scheme, of which 201 have so far been completed. My right hon. Friend understands that the council have under consideration a scheme for dealing with unhealthy areas (including the provision of rehousing accommodation for persons displaced), and he has promised financial assistance for an approved scheme with this object.