HC Deb 09 May 1923 vol 163 cc2402-3W

asked the Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he is aware that the action of a British company in purchasing Russian oil products from Arcos, Limited, proceeding from nationalised property of British and foreign oil producers, has created indignation, not only among the rightful owners of these products, but also among shareholders of the purchasing firm; and whether any representations have been made to him protesting against the company's action?


Representations have been made to the Foreign Office against the action of the purchasing company, but I do not know to what extent these represent the feelings of shareholders.


asked the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he is aware that a portion of the oil products sold by Arcos, Limited, to a British company, proceeds from properties rightly belonging to Belgian and French companies; that this action of a British company is liable to lead to international ill-feeling; that of the 500,000 shares in Arcos, Limited, 98 per cent. are held by Messrs. Krassin and Vlishko, who are representatives of the Soviet Government; and whether he will make inquiry into the facts?


I have no information as to the sources from which the oil referred to was produced, and I can express no opinion on the second part of the question. I understand that the issued and paid up capital of Arcos is 100,000 £1 shares, of which roughly 94 per cent. is held by the persons named