HC Deb 28 March 1923 vol 162 cc562-3W

asked the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies how many persons entered Palestine between January and September, 1922, having stated that they proposed to stay less than three months in that country; how many such persons left the country in the same period: and whether there is any efficient supervision of the activities of those who stayed in the country for a period of more than three months?


I am unable to furnish the details asked for by the hon. Member. I will inquire of the High Commissioner, and hope to be able to give a reply in about three weeks' time.


asked the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies (1) whether, in view of the fact that Palestine is not yet a mandatory area and that it does not form part of the British Dominions, he can state if Palestine is still in the position of occupied enemy territory; and, if so, by what statute of international or other law is the present Government of Palestine, acting as the occupant, entitled to hold elections;

(2) in view of the fact that the Mandate is not yet ratified, from what source of authority the High Commissioner of Palestine draws his powers?


I have nothing to-add to the answers given to the hon. Member for Barnstaple (Mr. Peto) on the 20th March and to the hon. Member for Harrow on the 26th February.

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