HC Deb 22 March 1923 vol 161 cc2800-1W

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he can give an estimate, or approximate estimate, of the decrease in value of the motor lorries and other transport stock now parked, exposed to all weathers, in the open dumps in various parts of the country?


All the motor transport vehicles in the hands of the Disposal and Liquidation Commission for sale (approximately 300) are now concentrated at Earl's Court, so that the vehicles referred to by the hon. Member are not surplus Government property. Depreciation whilst awaiting sale is confined to the paint and body work and is, I am advised, so slight as to be practically a negligible item in view of the rapid sales now being effected.


asked the Financial Secretary to the Treasury whether he is aware that there are numbers of disused Army huts in Crowborough and Seaford camps still unsold; that there is a constant demand for these huts for purposes of poultry breeding; but that when a poultry keeper applies to purchase a hut lie is informed that there are none for sale; and will he take steps to see that the Disposal Board does not turn away any good customers and allow these huts to deteriorate?


Hutting at these camps has been handed over by the Army to the Disposal and Liquidation Commission on various dates during the past three months, as it became surplus to military requirements, the last occasion being on the 5th instant. All the surplus huts at both camps will be offered for sale by auction on or between the 24th and 26th April next. In view of the forthcoming auction sale, it is not considered desirable to sell individual huts by tender or private treaty.

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