HC Deb 13 March 1923 vol 161 cc1309-10W

asked the Secretary for Mines if he can state what is the difference in the number of cases, in any given period, of miners' nystagmus at collieries where oil lamps are used and the number where electric lamps are used?

Lieut.-Colonel LANE-FOX

Very little statistical information on the subject is available, and the hon. Member will be aware that in such a matter the number of factors is so great and these factors vary so much that a mere statistical comparison would be of little value. I will send him references to the relevant portions of the minutes of evidence of the

France. Italy. United States of America. Japan. British Empire.
Battleships, Dreadnought type 6 5 20 7 18
Battleships. Pre-Dreadnought 3 4 6 4
Battle Cruisers 7 4
Cruisers 6 3 10 2
Light, Cruisers 5 10 10 15 48
Flotilla Leaders 1 8 16
Destroyers 50 51 316 71 186
Submarines 47 43 99 43 65

Miners' Lamps Committee and of the First Report of the Miners' Nystagmus Committee.