HC Deb 12 March 1923 vol 161 c1068W

asked the Minister of Agriculture how much of the land of England, Scotland, and Wales, respectively, is considered suitable for cultivation; how much is now under cultivation; and how much is salt marsh, heath, peat, moss, moor, bog, estuary, and other lands suitable for reclamation or improvement by draining?


The following table shows the total area of land in England, Wales, and Scotland. with the acreage under crops and grass, mountain, heath, moor, down, and other rough land used for grazings on agricultural holdings of over one acre as ascertained on 3rd June, 1922, and the acreage of woodland as returned in June, 1913, in England and Wales, and in 1914 in Scotland:

owing to sickness, in the case of head teachers and assistant teachers, respectively, for the years 1919, 1920, 1921, and 1922?


I am afraid I do not possess the information asked for by the hon. Member.