Mr. H ERRIOTTSasked the Minister of Pensions what medical category Herbert Johnson Elgie, at present a patient in Durham county asylum, was passed on enlistment in His Majesty's forces?
§ Major TRYONThis man was passed as fit for service in the Royal Naval Reserve in January, 1916. At that date men enlisting in the Navy were not classified in medical categories. I may perhaps point out that it would be quite impossible always to detect by a single medical examination disabilites of the nature from which this man suffers, more especially in the early stages of the malady. The man was admitted to hospital for observation after 10 days' service at the depot, and a month later, whilst still in hospital, was discharged from the service on account of delusions, being subsequently certified insane and removed to an Asylum some three months after enlistment. As I have already stated, this case has received the fullest consideration by my medical advisers, and I am satisfied that the man's unfortunate condition is in no way related to his few days' home service.