HC Deb 09 April 1923 vol 162 cc883-4W

asked the Minister of Agriculture the corn acreage in this country in 1914, at the period of maximum stimulated output during the War, and now; and the average wage of the agricultural labourer at each period?


The total area returned as under corn (wheat, barley and oats) in England and Wales on the 4th June, 1914, 1918 and 1922, and the estimated average weekly wages of ordinary agricultural labourers in the cereal years 1913–14, 1917–18, and 1921–22 are as follow:

Area under corn as returned on 4th June. Estimated average weekly wages in year ending 31st August.
Acres. s. d.
1914 5,242,000 18 0
1918 6,979,000 28 0
1922 5,620,000 34 6

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