HC Deb 11 May 1922 vol 153 c2402W

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer if any financial assistance, by way of grant or loan or remission or diversion of Excess Profits Duty, has been given since 1914 to any of the firms engaged in the production of safety lamps for use in coal mines for the purpose of putting down or extending their plant for the manufacture of such lamps; and, if so, to which firms and to what amount?


No financial assistance by way of grant or loan has been given to such firms, and as regards Excess Profits Duty only such allowances have been given as are authorised by the statutes relating to that duty which are applicable to trades and businesses in general, including those to which the hon. and gallant Member refers. The Commissioners of Inland Revenue are precluded by statute from disclosing information relating to the taxation of particular taxpayers.