HC Deb 11 May 1922 vol 153 c2397W

asked the Minister of Labour whether he is aware that Martin Feeney, of 24, Queen Street, Govan, was thrown idle on 17th March, 1922; that he placed his unemployment book in the Employment Exchange on the 18th and signed until the 31st March, when he was told by the Exchange officials that his claim had been refused, and he has not been permitted to sign the employment book since; that this man, on his dismissal, received a certificate signed by his foreman to the effect that the bearer was paid off through shortage of work; and whether, in view of these facts, he will issue instructions to the Exchange to have this man's claim met?


I am having inquiries made, and will communicate the result to my hon. Friend.

Captain BOWYER

asked the Minister of Labour whether he will inquire into the case of Mr. R. E. Roberts, Serial No. 20,533, Local Employment Exchange, Watford; is he aware that, although this man signed on at the Watford Exchange on the 1st April, he has drawn no unemployment benefit at all, owing to two men having been given the same number; and will he cause the benefit to be paid without delay?


I am having inquiries made, and will communicate the result to my hon. Friend.