HC Deb 30 March 1922 vol 152 cc1576-7W

asked the Home Secretary whether, in the case of every separate visit to this country by a foreign business man, special permission has to be obtained either from the Home Office or the officials at the port of entry; and whether in any and, if so, how many cases, and to persons of what nationality, general permission has been given for individuals to be at liberty to enter and leave the country as they require?


The Aliens Order (Article 1) (of which I will send the hon. Member copy) provides that an alien shall not land in the United Kingdom except with the leave of an immigration officer, and that leave shall not be given to a former enemy alien to land in the United Kingdom except by permission of the Secretary of State. Business men of other than former enemy nationality are given leave to land by the immigration officers without difficulty, and business men of former enemy nationality are given leave to land subject to the conditions contained in Section 10 (1) of the Aliens Restriction (Amendment) Act, 1919. The answer to the last part of the question is in the negative.


asked the Home Secretary what restrictions are now imposed upon the entry into this country of aliens not of ex-enemy status who can show that they are not likely to become a charge upon public funds?


I can only refer the hon. Member to Article 1 of the Aliens Order mentioned in my answer to his last question.