HC Deb 23 March 1922 vol 152 cc687-8W

asked the Secretary of State for Air what are the examinations being held by the Air Ministry for out-station staffs; under what Treasury authority these have been instituted; what are exactly the conditions of entry and of qualification; and whether the percentage of places being reserved for ex-service personnel is that laid down in the Lytton Report?

Captain GUEST

An examination for established Air Service clerkships will be held by the Civil Service Commission during the summer, under Treasury authority, and I shall be pleased to send my hon. Friend particulars of the conditions of entry and qualification, which, as he will see, provide for the reservation for ex-service personnel of the percentage of places laid down in the Lytton Report. There are also, under Air Ministry authority, examinations for selecting workpeople for the grade of storekeeper at the stores depots, but as the Lytton Report does not apply to industrial employment, I assume that my hon. Friend is not referring to these. I may say, however, that nearly 100 per cent. of the workmen concerned being ex-service men, the latter are likely to obtain far more than the Lytton percentage of the storekeepers' posts.


asked the Secretary of State for Air whether it has been necessary to issue an Air Ministry Order drawing attention to the irregular discharge of ex-service men at out-stations; whether cases of irregular discharge have occurred; and what disciplinary action has been taken with the officials responsible for not discharging ex-service men in accordance with the terms of the Lytton Report?

Captain GUEST

In view of complaints which were made, but in no case supported by specific instances, an Air Ministry Order was issued drawing attention to the instructions as to the order of discharge of ex-service men; but this was done purely as a precautionary measure, and not because irregularities had been brought to light or because disciplinary action was required.