HC Deb 22 March 1922 vol 152 cc482-3W

asked the Homo Secretary whether he proposes to withdraw the permission at the end of this month to tramcars and omnibuses in London to carry standing passengers on their various vehicles; whether any notice has been given to the owners of such tramcars and omnibuses; whether he proposes to renew the order permitting standing; and, if so, for how long a period?


asked the Home Secretary whether he will give further consideration to the question of strap-hanging on passenger-carrying vehicles in London; and, in view of the Regulation involving breach of the law (permitting the carrying of more passengers than the tramcars and omnibuses are licensed to carry), and incidentally inflicting great hardship upon the men employed on the vehicles, will he, in accordance with the promise made, allow the Regulation to lapse?


asked the Home Secretary whether, before coming to a decision to extend the period of straphanging on passenger-carrying vehicles in London, he will report to the House the result of the police inquiries into the matter; and whether, in view of the fact that the Regulation abrogating the law on the subject was instituted on account of the depletion of rolling stock, and that the deficiency has now been made up, he is prepared to give effect to the promise that straphanging should be abolished?


I would refer the hon. Members to the replies which I gave on the 13th and 21st instant. I am not at present in a position to add anything to them.