HC Deb 22 March 1922 vol 152 cc497-8W

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty whether, seeing that there can only be deducted from the pay of a naval rating towards the maintenance of his wife and children 7s. a week if he be a petty officer and 3s. 6d. a week if he be a lower rating, even though there be a judicial order requiring him to pay an adequate sum, measures will be taken to make it possible to increase these allowances, which at present are wholly inadequate and in many cases much below the sums ordered by the Courts to be paid?


The facts as to the maximum deductions which the Admiralty is empowered to make from the pay of naval ratings to satisfy maintenance orders are as stated by my hon. Friend. The Admiralty realises these amounts are insufficient and has only been prevented from increasing them already owing to the absence of the necessary legal powers. I hope to introduce at an early date a Bill amending the Naval Discipline Act in this and certain other respects. This Bill would have been introduced some time ago but for the congestion of Parliamentary business.