HC Deb 20 March 1922 vol 152 cc62-3W

asked the Financial Secretary to the Treasury the number of persons employed in each Government Department, and the amount paid in wages and salaries, in 1914; the number of persons employed in each Department at the present time; and the amount paid in basis wages and salaries and war bonuses, respectively?


Complete details for March, 1922, on the basis suggested in my hon. Friend's question are not available and could not be obtained without a great deal of labour. Full particulars were, however, obtained for the Committee on Reduction of National Expenditure of the staff of each Government Department in 1914 and in September, 1921, the figure of cost for the later year being assessed on the basis of bonus related to an average cost of living figure of 100 (as estimated for the whole of the financial year 1921–23). The cost of living figure to which bonus is related at the present time is 105.

Department. 1914. September, 1921.
Numbers. Salaries and wages. Numbers. Basic salaries and wages. Bonus.
£ £ £
Admiralty 5,409 847,351 11,099 2,086,038 890,833
Agriculture and Fisheries (including Ordnance Survey). 2,430 308,470 2,809 533,981 240,410
Air Ministry 4,478 986,245 220,875
British Museum 580 96,376 592 114,307 70,400
Colonial Office 206 51,016 413 105,771 34,888
Customs and Excise Board 10,904 1,815,745 11,848 2,517,378 1,408,299
Exchequer and Audit Department. 273 70,114 350 100,352 46,302
Education Board 1,949 429,819 2,132 566,202 261,808
Foreign Office 188 55,504 850 194,335 51,505
Health, Ministry of (including Welsh Board of Health) 3,108 490,528 5,461 1,237,330 373,640
Home Office 649 144,638 898 226,838 103,878
Inland Revenue Department 9,041 1,301,211 16,178 3,230,008 1,052,978
Labour Ministry 4,755 481,429 23,382 4,146,659 746,630
Land Registry 238 36,059 348 61,167 31,557
National Insurance—Audit Department 755 96,718 472 101,335 62,716
Overseas Trade Department 602 130,724 35,556
Pensions Ministry 25,755 4,646,124 122,193
Post Office 201,889 14,296,834 201,789 19,351,754 14,294,831
Prison Commission 3,667 362,424 3,097 353,345 300,183
Public Trustee 409 46,569 1,339 227,034 86,333
Registrar-General 228 29,478 561 81,486 24,384
Scientific and Industrial Research Department. 490 127,955 58,936
Stationery Office 232 33,362 1,108 189,950 48,124
Supreme Court of Judicature 925 263,704 1,058 305,359 113,301
Trade Board (including Bankruptcy, Food and Shipping Departments). 2,374 480,402 6,399 1,522,123 323,740
Mines Department 103 35,010 385 104,373 33,161
Transport Ministry 47 13,599 686 190,976 63,358
Treasury 127 36,778 378 125.320 37,675
War Office (ex Pay and Record Offices). 1,621 290,856 3,887 614,412 290,521
Works, Office of 1,477 189,464 3,392 653,439 144,318
Agriculture, Board of 205 30,510 447 91,708 37,572
Health, Board of 474 65,115 607 120,322 51,838
Prison Commission 594 54,705 547 64,169 48,962
Scottish Education Department 333 67,504 306 83,546 38,889
Other Departments in Great Britain. 2,234 478,431 7,136 1,681,162 344,691
The numbers and basic wages columns for September, 1921, include about 96,500 temporary staff on consolidated rates of pay. Considerable reductions have been made since that date both in numbers and in wages of temporary staff, so that the numbers and cost at the present time would be appreciably lower than is indicated by the foregoing table.