HC Deb 15 March 1922 vol 151 c2208W

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether the French Government have decided to increase the duties on fresh herrings, salt herrings, smoked herrings, and tinned fish more than 100 per cent.; if he is aware that, if such duties are maintained, it will be the means of crippling the fish trade between Lowestoft and France, and that a good number of people at Lowestoft depend upon the fishing trade for their living; and if he will take action in the matter?


The import duty on fresh fish has recently been increased from 20 francs to 46 francs per 100 kilograms for a period of three months, but I have no information regarding a decision to increase the duty on other kinds of fish. I am in communication with the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries regarding the matter.

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