HC Deb 13 March 1922 vol 151 c1783W

asked the Postmaster-General whether his attention has been called to the fact that the present night letter service is of limited utility owing to the restricted number of night telegraph offices between which such messages may be sent; and whether he can arrange for the offices at West Strand and the Citadel Station, Carlisle, to be placed on the list of offices from and to which night letters may be dispatched?


The low rate of 1s. for 36 words charged for night telegraph letters was justified because the messages are forwarded after midnight between towns in which the telegraph offices are open always and dealt with entirely by Post Office staff when there is little traffic. If the service were extended to railway stations additional charges would be incurred, and the existing tariff could not be maintained. It would not therefore be possible to include the Citadel Station, Carlisle, in the list of offices from and to which night letters may be despatched. I have arranged for night telegraph letters to be accepted at the West Strand Branch Post Office, which is open always.