HC Deb 09 March 1922 vol 151 c1515W

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether, on the Railway Rates Advisory Committee, representation will be granted to the Irish Farmers' Union, the Irish Pig Dealers' Association, and the Irish Cattle Traders' Association, whose interests are vitally concerned in the question of railway rates and charges?


I have been asked to reply to this question. The composition of the Rates Advisory Committee was determined by Section 21, Sub-section 1, of the Ministry of Transport Act, 1919, and agricultural interests are represented thereon. The Railway Rates Tribunal, established by the Railways Act, 1921, now deals with all questions of rates and charges. The Advisory Committee is continued in existence by Section 29 of the Act for the purpose of determining the revised classification. The hon. Member, however, is no doubt aware that the provisions of the Railways Act do not apply to railways in Ireland either as regards rates and charges or as regards classification.


asked the President of the Board of Trade whether through bookings of livestock from inland stations in Ireland to destinations in Great Britain have been discontinued since 1912; and whether, in accordance with his promise already given, he will now take action to have these through bookings resumed?


I have been asked to answer this question. I am aware that the through bookings applicable to livestock from inland stations in Ireland to England were suspended in 1914. The hon. Member will be aware that the Ministry has now no jurisdiction in the matter. I understand, however, that the railway companies have the question of the resumption of the through bookings at present under consideration, and it is hoped a definite statement will be made before long.