HC Deb 26 July 1922 vol 157 cc479-80W

asked the Financial Secretary to the War Office the total cost for clothing provided to the reservists who were called up for six weeks during the coal lock-out; whether all such clothing was handed over to the Disposal Board and new articles provided in their place at the termination of the reservist period of service; whether the order for the replacement for new clothing was issued by the Director of Equipment and Ordnance Corps; and the money received by the Disposal Board for these articles?


The clothing issued to reservists was the clothing already in store for the purpose. The men were allowed, on demobilisation, to retain certain articles of underclothing. The remainder was returned to store to be held for the purpose for which it was originally intended; some of it had to be repaired and cleaned before being returned to store, and a small portion, unfit for re-issue, was thrown up for disposal. It was not necessary to provide new clothing in replacement. I have no information regarding the sum realised by the Disposals and Liquidation Commission.

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