HC Deb 06 July 1922 vol 156 c598W

asked the Minister of Health if he will submit a Return showing the death rates in the case of each of the zymotic diseases and also of cancer, per million of population, for each decade since the registration of causes of death began, in England and Wales, Scotland and Ireland, respectively?


The information desired by the hon. Member for each decennial period from 1851 to 1910, so far as regards England and Wales, will be found in Table 10 of Part III of the Supplement to the 75th Annual Report of the Registrar-General which was published in 1919. The figures for the last decennium, 1911 to 1920, have not yet been published, but the uncorrected death rates (per million living) during that period are as follows: Smallpox, O; measles, 275; scarlet fever, 47; whooping-cough, 184; diphtheria, 141; enteric fever, 35; diarrhoeal diseases. 603; cancer, 1,117. These rates are subject to revision. As regards Scotland and Ireland respectively, the question should be addressed to my right hon. Friends the Secretary for Scotland and the Chief Secretary for Ireland.

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