HC Deb 15 December 1922 vol 159 c3387W

asked the Minister of Labour, as representing the Ministry of Health, if he is aware that the Ossett Corporation applied for grants for improvements in Church Street, Dale Street, and Leeds Road on or about 5th August, and if a speedy reply will be given to the Corporation sanctioning such work, so that they may put unemployed persons to useful work before Christmas?

Colonel ASHLEY

I have been asked to answer this question. These schemes were submitted in the first place as ordinary road improvement schemes, and on this basis funds were not available for grants to be made from the Road Fund towards their cost. They have since been put forward as projects for the relief of unemployment. A condition precedent for the making of a grant towards unemployment schemes is that the district should be certified by the Minister of Labour as one in which serious unemployment exists which is not otherwise provided for, and I understand that the Minister of Labour is unable to issue this certificate in respect of the Ossett Urban District.