HC Deb 13 December 1922 vol 159 cc2981-2W

asked the Minister of Labour whether he is aware of the large number of persons who have resided and worked in this country for many years, and who, because they are technically aliens, are disqualified for the receipt of uncovenanted unemployment benefit; whether he is aware that, for instance, the Cigar Workers' and Tobacco Workers' Trade Union has in its membership 98 aliens whose average age is 58 years, and whose average period of residence in this country is 45 years; that the sons of many of these men lost their lives in the War; and whether, in view of the fact, if these unemployed aliens once more become employed, that they will be called upon, through their contributions, to help to make good the present deficit in the Unemployment Insurance Fund, he will withdraw the Regulation disqualifying aliens or, at least modify it so that aliens who have been domiciled in this country for several years may not be disqualified?


Having regard to the limited sums available for the payment of uncovenanted benefit, I regret that I cannot see my way to modify the present rule, namely, that such benefit should not be paid to aliens other than ex-service men and British-born wives or widows of aliens. The hon. Member no doubt appreciates that aliens are in no way disqualified on account of nationality for the receipt of covenanted benefit in respect of contributions paid by them.