HC Deb 13 December 1922 vol 159 c2958W

asked the Home Secretary if, seeing that the Aliens Restriction (Amendment) Act, 1919, Section 10, lapses on the 23rd of this month, he will take steps to prevent this country being invaded by aliens?


Stringent Regulations for the control of alien immigration are, and will remain after the expiration of Section 10, in full force, and, as I have stated in reply to many similar questions, no further legislation is required.


asked the Home Secretary whether he can assure the House that, notwithstanding the fact that certain Clauses in the Aliens Restriction Act will expire on the 23rd instant, no enemy alien will, after the 23rd December, be permitted to enter this country without first obtaining a special permit from the Home Office?


When the special provisions referred to expire, no former enemy alien will be allowed to land in this country, except in pursuance of leave given to him after careful examination at the port by an officer responsible to me and acting under my directions. I can assure the House that, as I stated in answer to the hon. and learned Member for the Ealing Division on the 27th November, the interests of this country, in the matter of the exclusion of aliens whose presence is for any reason undesirable, will be fully safeguarded under this system.