HC Deb 11 December 1922 vol 159 c2412W

asked the Attorney-General whether his attention has been called to the comment of the Judge and the findings of the jury in the prosecution of Gerald Lee Bevan, ex-chairman of the City Equitable Insurance Fire Company; and whether he proposes to consult the Public Prosecutor with a view to taking action against Bevan's co-directors of the company?


My attention has been called to the summing up of the Judge and the findings of the jury in the case referred to. These have been carefully considered by the Director of Public Prosecutions, and in neither of them is there any suggestion of any criminal liability in regard to any of the directors. The Director of Public Prosecutions does not contemplate taking any action. The Official Receiver in Companies Winding-Up has instituted misfeasance proceedings against some of the directors, but the House will understand that it would not be proper for me to make any comment on these.