HC Deb 10 November 1921 vol 148 c681W

asked the Attorney-General how many actions have been instituted against Government Departments in regard to claims arising out of expenditure by private firms for war work; how many of such claims have been settled; how many decisions have been adverse to the Crown; and what has been the cost to the country of the latter?


I have made inquiries and understand that the terms of the question are too indefinite to enable the claims referred to to be exhaustively identified, and it would not be possible to trace actions which may have been brought against Government Departments in regard to claims generally arising out of expenditure by private firms for war work without great trouble and research. Some of the Departments concerned have ceased to exist. But perhaps I may give a few typical instances. A claim for £7,648 was settled for £2,100 and £75 costs. A claim for £47,738 was settled for £10,000 including costs. A claim for £3,040,459 was contested, and judgment was given for the Crown with costs. I have no hesitation in saying that both from the settlement and from the resistance of such claims a very considerable saving has accrued.

Answers to the following questions were supplied by the respective Departments during the Recess, and consequently have not appeared in the daily issue of the OFFICIAL REPORT:—

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