HC Deb 21 June 1921 vol 143 cc1110-1W

asked the Minister of Pensions (1) if the continued transference of power by the Ministry from local committees to the area as shown in Circular 2,032 and previous circulars is resented by the local committees and considered by them as a violation of the powers allocated to war pensions committees and a reflection upon their integrity and the integrity of their executive officers, in so far as it assumes the incapacity of local committees to carry out the regulations as contained in the War Pensions Hand- book; will he therefore reconsider the circulars mentioned with a view to having them deleted at an early date;

(2) if local pensions committees are concerned with the increasing modifications of the arrangements that are taking place for dealing with cases arising under Article 9 of the Royal Warrant and protest against the working of the provisions of Circulars 2,002, 2,006, and 2,032, which embarrass committees; and, with a view to remedying the injustice to those whose well-being it is the function of the committees to protect, caused by these modifying circulars, will he see that they are cancelled and the procedure in vogue prior to January, 1921, be resorted to?


The issue of advances to claimants under the conditions originally laid down was an emergency measure, introduced to meet the heavy pressure of work thrown on the Department by the rapid demobilisation of the forces; and it was natural and proper that, as the position became more stabilised, these concessions should be adjusted. As indicated in the reply to a question by the hon. Member for Pontypridd (Mr. T. A. Lewis) on the 31st May, I am satisfied that the new procedure meets all reasonable requirements; and I am, therefore, unable to entertain the suggestion contained in these questions.