HC Deb 24 February 1921 vol 138 c1188W

asked the Secretary for Scotland what is the salary of the official of the Central Control Board (Liquor Traffic) in charge of the Harbour area of Glasgow; is that official also manager of the Public-house Trust's licensed premises in Glasgow; is he also in receipt of a salary in respect of that appointment; has he offices and a staff; what is the total expenditure in connection with his and their duties; what do these duties consist of; and why are they continued two years after the termination of the War?


I have no responsibility for the Central Control Board (Liquor Traffic), but I have made inquiries and am informed that the facts are as follows: The total expenditure for salaries of staff, office, etc., of the special scheme of supervision established by the Control Board for the Harbour area in Glasgow is about £600 a year. The part-time services of the officer in charge have been placed at the disposal of the Board by the Glasgow Public-house Trust Company, of which company he is the general manager. For the work which he does for the Board the Board pay him £270 a year, but the Board do not know what salary he is paid by the company for the work which he does for them. The scheme of supervision is being continued pending the settlement by Parliament of the general question of liquor control, and the duties of the supervisor and the scope of the scheme are fully explained in the fourth Report of the Board (Cd. 9055).