HC Deb 20 April 1921 vol 140 cc1893-4W

asked the Prime Minister if he is aware that in many cases serious hardship is incurred by the family of a man who enlists in the Defence Corps owing to the non-receipt of any separation allowance for some days, especially where the man has been previously out of work for some time; can the Government arrange under such exceptional cases for a payment on account to be made as soon as the man is mobilised in order that his family may not foe left penniless until the first ordinary separation allowance payment(is made?

Lieut.-Colonel STANLEY

My right hon. Friend has asked me to reply to this question. I am not aware of any cases of hardship. Paymasters have paid marriage allowance within 24 hours of the receipt of the necessary documents, and the local War Pensions Committees have been authorised to make advances in any cases where any delay occurs in forwarding the documents.


asked the First Lord of the Admiralty when any men of the Naval Fleet Reserve have been transferred to the War Office without any wish or even sanction of the men concerned; whether any such men have been made full soldiers, with soldiers' equipment; if so, for what purpose; and whether such men will receive naval ratings or soldiers' allowances?


In accordance with the Royal Proclamation issued on 8th April, the Royal Fleet Reserve, Class B, have been called up. The reasons for the course were fully explained by the Prime Minister in his statement in the House on 8th April regarding Emergency Defence Measures. The men of the Royal Fleet Reserve have been formed into battalions commanded and officered by naval officers; the officers and men wear naval uniform and receive naval rates of pay and allowances. The naval forces employed on land are under the supreme control of the general officers commanding as is usual when naval and military forces co-operate. This is in accordance with the Naval Discipline Act and Army Act.