HC Deb 20 April 1921 vol 140 cc1889-91W

asked the Attorney-General whether consideration is being given to the desirability of including in the membership of Pensions Appeal Tribunals representatives of the rank and file of the Army and Navy and also industrial women; whether any representations to this effect have been received; and whether it is proposd to act upon them?


The Schedule to the War Pensions (Administrative Provisions) Act, 1919, provides that the members of a Pensions Appeal Tribunal shall consist of:—

  1. (i) one legal representative, being a barrister or solicitor, in either case of not less than seven years' standing; and
  2. (ii) a disabled officer who has retired or been demobilised from His Majesty's forces during the present War while suffering impairment; or a disabled man who has similarly been discharged or demobilised; and
  3. (iii) a duly qualified medical practitioner.
I am informed that an ex-commissioned officer never sits as Service Member of a tribunal to hear appeals of ex-service men and non-commissioned officers. Some of the present Service Members of tribunals for men were members of the rank and file and some were non-commissioned officers. I understand that representations as to the desirability of including industrial women in the membership of the Pensions Appeal Tribunals have been received and that it is not considered desirable to increase the personnel of the tribunals in the manner suggested.


asked the Attorney-General if he will explain the reason for the decision of the appeal tribunal of the Ministry of Pensions in the case of Mr. E. G. Hollomby, in which it was decided that two medical boards, were wrong in stating that the disability of the pensioner was due to his military service; and what medical authority is responsible for the advice on which the decision was based?


I am informed that the decision of the Pensions Appeal Tribunal deputed to hear and decide this appeal was based upon the whole of the evidence put forward, both oral and documentary. Each tribunal is composed of three members, a legal member as chairman, a doctor as medical member, and an ex-service man or non-commissioned officer as service member. The decision of a tribunal is by a majority of votes. In the case under notice the decision was unanimous.