HC Deb 15 April 1921 vol 140 c1448W

asked the Minister of Labour whether he is aware that a communication was forwarded to the Ministry regarding the case of W. F. Flux, 81, Alfred Road, Clive Vale, Hastings; whether he is aware that no acknowledgment has been received to this communication; and whether he will have inquiries made into this matter?


My hon. Friend presumably refers to a letter sent to the Employment Department by Mr. Flux on the 15th February, asking if his case could be considered for renewal of unemployment benefit. This was acknowledged on the 16th February and inquiry was made of the Department's local officers as to his position. It was ascertained that his case had been fully explained to him locally. Meanwhile the Unemployment Insurance Act, 1921, had come into operation and further inquiry showed that Mr. Flux's case had again been considered in the light of the new Act, and his position under that Act also fully explained to him early last month by a local officer of the Department. In these circumstances, it did not appear to be necessary to send any further reply to Mr. Flux.