HC Deb 12 April 1921 vol 140 c946W

asked the Chief Secretary whether, having regard to the prominence given to the false statements circulated in connection with the murder of Mrs. King by Sinn Feiners, at Mallow station, on 31st January, 1921, he will take steps to secure greater publicity for the findings of the court of inquiry, which completely disprove the unjust charges brought inside and outside this House against the military and the Royal Irish Constabulary?


I can assure my hon. and gallant Friend that I am fully alive to the need for the greatest possible publicity being given to the findings of courts of inquiry held in lieu of inquests in Ireland, more especially in cases where the conduct of the Crown forces has been impugned. Official reports giving the finding and an impartial summary of the evidence are now issued to the Press in all such cases in order that the public may be in a position to judge for itself of the truth or falseness of these charges.