HC Deb 25 October 1920 vol 133 c1394W

asked the Minister of Labour whether he is aware that a national agreement has been reached between the National Vehicle Builders' Association and the trade unions concerned covering 25,000 of the employés; whether he has been in communication with both parties to the present London and Glasgow dispute in the vehicle building industry with a view to the matter being referred to arbitration; whether the National Union of Vehicle Builders have agreed to such a reference; if a reply has been received from the National Federation of Vehicle Trades; and what further action he proposes to take with the Employers' Federation in view of the production of commercial vehicles necessary for the welfare of the community being held up in consequence of a small section of the employers in these cities refusing to conform to the agreement?


I am aware of the present position in the vehicle building industry. As regards the London dispute, for some time past officers of the Labour Ministry have been in touch with the parties, and as a result of a conference held last Friday under the auspices of the Department both sides agreed to recommend to their members the acceptance of certain terms of settlement. As regards the Glasgow dispute, the Department has also been in touch with the parties, and I hope that a conference will be arranged at an early date.