HC Deb 25 October 1920 vol 133 cc1361-2W

asked the Minister of Transport whether, in view of the proposals put forward by the railway companies before the Rates Advisory Committee that inclusive S to S rates should be charged to cover the accommodation and services in connection with collection from or delivery to private railway sidings, he will state the tonnage over certain periods of general merchandise traffic loaded and discharged at railway stations and the cost to the railway companies of providing the station accommodation and the station services for such traffic; and, if the information is not in his possesion, will he obtain it and include it in the next issue of his railway statistics?


As the hon. Member is aware, a great deal of statistical information essential to a systematic revision of rates is being compiled. The question of obtaining returns of the tonnage of general merchandise loaded and discharged at stations is already under consideration, and when I am in receipt of the Rates Advisory Committee's report on the general principles which in their opinion should govern railway rates, I shall be in a better position to decide what further detailed information is required. I am trying to steer a prudent course between necessary figures and those which we can do without. The hon. Member no doubt realises that he has raised one of the most difficult of all costing problems in connection with railway administration. I am as anxious as he is to arrive at a fair and satisfactory issue, and will consult with him to that end if he will give me the opportunity.


asked the Minister of Transport whether he has received complaints from several district councils in Monmouthshire re workmen's fares; whether he is aware that workmen's tickets are issued on Monday mornings available only by the early morning trains; that large numbers of men work on the afternoon and night shifts, and consequently have to pay the ordinary fares; and will he take steps to rectify this anomaly which bears so hardly on these men?


I cannot find that any complaints have been made tome from the Monmouthshire District Councils respecting workmen's fares. So far as I know, the complaint is one which could have been made all over the country since the introduction of these early-morning cheap fares.