HC Deb 21 October 1920 vol 133 c1100W

asked the Minister of Food whether he is aware that Blackpool bakers are charging Is. 6d. and Bournemouth bakers are charging Is. 5d. per loaf; and whether he proposes to allow these charges to be made?


In the first few days following a change of policy, there are bound to be considerable variations in the price of bread in different localities. At Blackpool the price has always been higher than in Lancashire generally. I understand that in Bournemouth the price varies from 1s. 4d. to Is. 5d., and, if this is so, it is probable that the lower price will ultimately prevail. The Food Controller is watching these local prices very closely, and should the protection afforded by the Profiteering Act prove to be inadequate, he will consider the advisability of fixing local or national maximum prices,

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