HC Deb 26 November 1920 vol 135 cc808-9W
Major GLYN

asked the Secretary of State for Air what was the ration strength of the Royal Air Force officers and other ranks on the 1st October last, and what was the authorised establishment; whether officers of the Army are to be attached to the Royal Air Force, and for what period; and whether it is intended that a suitable reserve for the Royal Air Force shall be trained, and from what source is it expected this personnel will be drawn.?

Mr. Churchill submitted the following particulars:—

1. The total strength of the R.A.F. on the 1st October, 1920, was as follows:—

Officers 2,812
Other ranks 23,862

2. Numbers authorised in Air estimates for the year 1920 to 1921 were as follows:—

Officers 3,059
Other ranks 26,519

These figures include provision or personnel whose demobilisation had not been effected at the commencement of the financial year.

3. A scheme has been agreed between the Air Council and the Army Council whereby officers will be seconded from one service to the other. A certain number of Army officers have already been seconded to the R.A.F.

4. Junior Army officers will be seconded for four years, but senior officers will be attached for short periods only.

5. It is proposed to form a Reserve for the R.A.F., and detailed regulations concerning training are already well advanced.

6. The Reserve will be drawn from the following sources:—

  1. (a) Officers holding short service commissions who have completed their period of service on the active list, and permanent officers of the R.A.F. who may be permitted to retire or relinquish their commissions before reaching the compulsory retirement age of their rank.
  2. (b) Officers who, by the conditions of their entry into the R.N.A.S. or R.F.C., have a period of service in the Reserve to complete, and who may be allowed to complete such service in the R.A.F. Reserve.
  3. (c) A limited number of flying officers who have returned to civil life after service during the War.
  4. (d) Medical officers.
  5. (e) Other ranks who have completed their engagement with the regular Royal Air Force.