HC Deb 01 November 1920 vol 134 cc63-4W
Major GLYN

asked the Secretary of State for War whether the information received by the War Office endorses the statement that the present cost of living in India is comparatively higher for officers and warrant officers who are married than the cost at home; whether, in spite of recent increases in pay, many officers who have obtained their commissions from the ranks and are now serving in India find that they cannot live on their pay; and, if so, what steps he is prepared to take to meet this difficulty?


I have not the material to enable a trustworthy comparison to be made between the cost of living in India and in this country for a married officer. But I am not aware that the rates now paid in India, which are higher than those here, are insufficient to enable a married officer to live on his pay. In addition to the rates for British officers generally, allowances up to Rs. 150 a month are given to married lieutenants and second lieutenants commissioned from the ranks of the regular forces.