HC Deb 01 November 1920 vol 134 c62W

asked the Minister of Transport whether any scheme of construction of light railways has been approved in England and Wales by the Departments concerned; if so, in what counties they are situated; what is the probable contribution by the State in each case; and whether local bodies in the counties concerned have undertaken to make any contribution; and, if so, to what extent in each case?


A large number of such schemes have been considered, but none has yet been approved. I am, therefore, not in a position to give the hon. Member the particulars for which he asks. I am, however, in communication with the promoters and local interests in regard to certain of the more promising cases, with a view to ascertaining the extent of the financial support which the schemes will attract locally, as upon this factor any question of assistance from public funds must largely depend. I am not prepared to recommend State finance for lean schemes unless local interests are prepared to adequately support them themselves.