HC Deb 26 March 1920 vol 127 cc774-5W
Viscount WOLMER

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Agriculture whether he is aware that the Tavistock ruridecanal chapter propose to sell their glebe land by public auction, and that the Devon County Council have threatened to interfere with the sale, under powers conferred upon them by the Acquisition of Land Act, 1919, in order that they may purchase the land for themselves at a private valuation; and whether the county council will have the support of the Ministry of Agriculture in attempting to acquire land at less than the amount which the land might be expected to realise if sold in the open market?


I presume that the Noble Lord refers to the Glebe Land at Peter Tavy. I am informed that in this case the County Council did not receive the usual notice of the Rector's intention to sell, and inasmuch as there is an urgent need of land for the settlement of ex-Service men in this parish, the Council made an Order for compulsory purchase, but informed the Incumbent that it would not be necessary formally to proceed with the Order if he were prepared to negotiate with them for the sale of the land. The Incumbent has been asked to submit the names of three independent valuers in order that a price may be settled by agreement, and there is no suggestion that the land is to be acquired by the Council at less than its full market value.