HC Deb 24 March 1920 vol 127 cc433-4W

asked the President of the Board of Education whether his attention has been directed to the absence, in the majority of elementary schools, of any mural decoration, except common small-scale maps, geometrical diagrams, or geological specimens; and whether, in view of the educational, as well as the æsthetic, value of suitable pictures, he will take steps to procure a, supply of artistically printed cartoons in colours reproducing the frescoes in the Palace of Westminster, or representing other similar historical events, to be obtainable at moderate prices for use in elementary schools?


I agree with the hon Member that there is room for considerable improvement in the nature and quality of the pictures at present provided for schools. The whole question of the selection and reproduction of school pictures is now under consideration by a special committee, appointed by the London County Council and on which the Board are represented. I understand that this committee will report very shortly, and that it is proposed to hold an exhibition of the pictures prepared under their supervision. I am hopeful that the report and exhibition will stimulate improvement in the direction which the hon. Member desires.