HC Deb 17 March 1920 vol 126 c2221W

asked the Postmaster-General whether he is aware of the existence of a classified commercial telephone directory containing 200 pages of classified trades; that all those engaged in its publication are ex-soldiers, some of whom have invested their pension money in this enterprise; and, under these circumstances, does he still contemplate issuing an official directory in competition and at the public expense?


The Post Office does not propose to publish a classified trades list of telephone subscribers in London at the public expense; but competitive tenders for the right to publish an authorised list have been received, although the contract has not yet been placed. The company referred to by the hon. Member is amongst those who have tendered. That company were fully aware when they started operations that, in order to safeguard the position of the Post Office as to revenue derivable from advertisements in the official Telephone Directory, full liberty of action was reserved as regards the issue of a classified trades list as an adjunct to the telephone service.

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