HC Deb 08 March 1920 vol 126 c920W

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Munitions when it is expected that the expenditure of money on the Cippenham motor depot on capital account will cease; what will be the capital cost of the depot when completed according to the present estimate; when any Report will be issued showing the financial results of the working of the depot; and what period the Report will cover?


Whilst the construction of the buildings is practically finished, the completion of the Cippenham Motor Depôt has been delayed by the moulders' strike. It is, however, anticipated that, provided deliveries of power plant are made according to promise, the expenditure on capital account will cease in about three months' time. The estimated capital cost, excluding land purchase which has not yet been determined, is £1,950,000. Accounts showing the financial results of the working of the depôt and covering the period from the beginning of repair operations at the depôt to the end of the present financial year will be completed about the end of June next.