HC Deb 03 March 1920 vol 126 c456W

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Munitions whether in the reduction of staff taking place at Woolwich Arsenal at the present time discharged and disabled soldiers are being paid off, while others who did not serve are still employed?


Owing to the completion of the work on which they were engaged, a number of disabled ex-service men were under notice, but as I have already announced these notices were suspended on the 18th of last month, pending the result of consultation with a Committee representing disabled men at the Arsenal. It must be obvious that there is a good deal of work at the Arsenal which, owing to its skilled character or heavy nature, cannot be performed by disabled men. Where discharges become necessary they are made in accordance with the order of priority which I gave in answer to the hon. Member for Lincoln (Mr. Alfred T. Davies) on the 12th February last.