HC Deb 17 June 1920 vol 130 c1464W

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty (1) if, in the event of a schoolmaster, Royal Navy, being invalided after, say, 12 years' service, his pension will be the minimum of the scale, plus the additions as per scale, for each year's service in his rank; and observing that all warrant officers and commissioned officers from warrant rank may, by the permission of the Admiralty, be pensioned at their own request at 40 years of age, and that schoolmasters are to be pensioned according to their ranks on the scale for warrant officers and commissioned officers from warrant rank (except when invaliding after short service), would a schoolmaster, Royal Navy, so retiring be entitled to the full pension according to scale laid down for officers of his rank and seniority;

(2) how he reconciles the existence of separate scales of pensions for officers of the schoolmaster, Royal Navy, branch side by side with the statements that the following shall be the scale of pensions for commissioned warrant officers and warrant officers of all branches; and schoolmasters to be pensioned according to their relative ranks on the scale for commissioned warrant and warrant officers as above?


I regret that, owing to a misconception of the decisions arrived at as the result of the recommendations of the Officers' Pay Committee, the regulations regarding the retired pay of officers of the schoolmaster branch, printed on pages 2,268 and 2,269 of the Quarterly Navy List, are incorrect. I am forwarding a table which gives the correct information, and will, I think, be found, incidentally to answer the hon. Member's questions.