HC Deb 17 June 1920 vol 130 c1480W
Colonel ASHLEY

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether he is aware that on the 6th instant an Army officer, when cycling from Limerick, stopped to examine Drombane Sinn Fein hall, recently vacated by the police; that on taking down a notice he was attacked by some 10 men armed with revolvers; and that he received a bullet wound in the thigh and his motor bicycle was destroyed; whether this gallant officer is now recovering from his wounds; and whether one of his assailants, whom he wounded when he fired in self-defence, has been arrested by the police or military?


On 6th instant 2nd Lieutenant R. R. Gillespie, 12th Field Company, Royal Engineers, motor-cycled from Limerick and visited Drombane Hall, not knowing that the police had vacated it. Proceeding on his journey about 20 shots were fired at him by 10 or 12 men armed with revolvers. He fired back, and wounded one or more of them. One bullet entered the fleshy portion of his left thigh. The officer is progressing favourably. One of his assailants is believed to have been wounded. He has not been arrested.