HC Deb 01 July 1920 vol 131 c683W

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether any redress or apology has been tendered to any persons whose houses have been raided by the police or military and who have suffered serious inconvenience for no apparent reason?


It is customary for police officers in charge of search party to express regret for any inconvenience caused in cases where houses have been searched and nothing of an incriminating nature has been found. In some casesex gratiâ payments have been made to cover loss or damage caused in connection with these searches for arms or for suspected persons.


asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether any compensation has been, or will be, paid to Miss Gavan Duffy, 70, Stephen's Green, Dublin; Mrs. Lynch, Richmond Road; Mrs. Humphreys, 14, Herbert Park; and Miss Hickey, 15, Tivoli Terrace, Kingstown, all of whom lost jewellery and other valuables during raids carried out by the police and military on 3rd April, 5th March, 3rd April, and 31st March, respectively?


The claim for compensation made by Miss Gavan Duffy, 70, Stephen's Green, is still under the consideration of the military authorities. The claims of Mrs. Lynch, Richmond Road, and Mrs. Humphreys, 14, Herbert Park, were fully investigated by the military authorities, and were found to be without foundation, and no compensation has been, or will be, paid to them. In the case of Miss Hickey, 15, Tivoli Terrace, Kingstown, the sum of £10 was paid by the military authorities as compensation.